August 31, 2014

In The Blink of an Eye...Tooth Fairies and Teenagers

This family is a little strange...we love to get our teeth cleaned.  When I say it's time to go to the dentist, these weirdos run to the car.  That doesn't mean they love brushing their teeth at home, but they're all in when it comes to someone else cleaning them.

At our appointment a couple of weeks ago, the hygienist mentioned that the Hurricane's two front teeth on the bottom were loose.  She says to me, "They will be coming out soon."  While Hurricane was just over the moon about losing some teeth, I am less, a LOT less so.

THIS smile....*sigh*
The next night, as I lay in bed, I suddenly felt really small and sad.  Many of my friends were posting pictures of their children heading off to college, and I realized that day was coming for us, too.  We still have five years before Girlo Two heads off to brave her new frontiers, but the Hurricane still fit in the palm of my hand five years ago.  Now she's losing the heck did that happen?

The Hurricane

It sounds silly, I know, but I'm gonna miss her "baby teeth" smile.  Not only because it fills her whole face and is full of innocence and optimism, but because it means she is moving one step closer to being a big kid.  She is the last of my babies, and she is the last of all those firsts...first steps, first teeth, first day of Kindergarten.

I know there are a million things I have to look forward to, and I do.  I can't wait to see the amazing adults they will all grow up to be.  I just wish they weren't quite so close to being those amazing adults.

As I get older, I realize that life is a series of phases, each with its own amazing adventures and occasional goodbyes.  It's hard to realize how quickly they are moving away from me and into their own lives.  I'm happy for them, but still a little sad for me. I push them to live life big, but I'd love to keep them closer just a little bit longer.

Soon, the tooth fairy will come, and I promise not to slam her lithe wings in the window.  I promise to not pack myself into Girlo Two's luggage when she leaves for college.  I promise these things because I love them, but I do not promise to not cry after the Tooth Fairy flies away into the night and Girlo Two drives off into the sunset.  
Easier said than done, Seuss...

August 24, 2014

I Got This...Turning 40

Dang, where y'all been?!?!

It happened.  Done and done.  I thought hitting 40 would be somehow worse than it was, but it was really cool.  I spent the weekend surrounded by all the people I love and was reminded again of how damn awesome this life has been so far.  There have been a few bumps here and there, but I learned some good lessons and walked out of the fire.

In other sorta related news, basically what happened this weekend was I sorta kicked some anxiety arse...

Backstory:  In middle school there was a new girl and when she walked into the room, I knew she was gonna be some sort of awesome.  She had on pink Chuck Taylor high-tops and some funky asymetrical hair.  She was my people. And she was a lot of awesome.  We've remained friends for all these years, and I got to go to Atlanta to help her usher in the next decade at a wonderful surprise party given by her equally amazing husband.

Back to kicking arse:  So, since the Great Panic Attack I have only driven about 30 minutes from my house by myself.  I can drive any distance as long as someone is in the car with me.  What am I afraid of?  Everything.  I'll have a heart attack and kill someone in the lane beside me.  I'll have a flat tire and be abducted/killed/raped by someone on the side of the highway.  Rational? Nope, but that's my groove.

Now, I live about 400 miles from Atlanta.  You see my problem, yes?  I knew others were going, but I didn't want my schedule to hold anyone up from doing what they wanted to do.  I decided I might as well just do it.  And I did. And it felt good.

I used to make that drive monthly to visit my aunt, Wanda, when she lived there.  I would grab a Mountain Dew (did I really ever drink those?!), a pack of Camel Lights (sorry, parents), and a bunch of CDs and just hit the road.  I'd forgotten how liberating it was to just drive with the sunroof open.  I knew exactly how far I was from Atlanta based on the curve of the roads because I had driven them so many times over the years.  Like a glove, baby...

Here's what I came home with...
1.  My car likes to go 80 miles an matter how hard I try...Thank God for cruise control!
2.  Some songs will take you back...Ludacris, Indigo Girls, Scott Miller, Beck, and Urban Dance Squad serenaded me all 400 miles.
3.  Old friends are the best friends in many ways because they knew you way back when and still love you.
4.  Turning 40 is about me...just me.  It's just about the most liberating feeling I've had in quite some time.
5. I can do it...whatever it is.  If I can make that drive, no matter how silly that seems to someone else, I can do just about anydamnthing.

Choose happiness, people.  Visit people you love.  Surround yourself with those who make you laugh and don't cause you grief.  Live life.  Go rock your universe this week.  

You's not that long until my NEXT birthday...In case you're thinking about a gift for me!